


Turn a business venture into a success by using creativity, strategy and problem-solving skills. A 创新与创业理学学士学位 from esball国际平台客户端 can help you reach your dreams.


If you want to be on the cutting edge of business, there is no place like Clarkson. 我们的课程旨在帮助您激发原创想法, develop out-of-the-box solutions and use practical know-how to bring them to life. 在Reh商学院, 我们的课程教导创新, experienced in our student initiatives and investigated in our research centers. 我们被认为是这一领域的教育领导者 U.S. esball国际app & World Report ranking our program #36 in the nation and fourth in New York State.

The innovation and entrepreneurship major is interdisciplinary, flexible and hands-on. 你学到的技能在成熟的公司会很有用, 创业或自己创业. 这是你把一个伟大的想法变成现实的机会. 开发一个产品,从构思到发布. 探索创建和发展企业的策略. 了解创业的规章制度. 开发营销技巧来达到你的目标受众.

We offer students ample opportunity to begin their own companies before graduation. Our faculty are renowned entrepreneurs and scholars who are eager to guide you. 接受专家一对一的创业指导. 享受无限访问我们自己的创新中心和 esball国际平台客户端点燃, a campus-wide initiative that focuses on entrepreneurial problem-solving. 你毕业后就可以开始工作了.


You will complete classes in business fundamentals for the first two years of the program. You will then take the required courses for the major and other specialized courses. 你可以使用选修课来完成辅修课程或探索其他领域.


  • 商业化的创新
  • 消费者与购买者行为
  • 创意、创新和新产品开发
  • 设计和领导创新企业
  • 创新经济学
  • 创新创业战略
  • 市场营销研究

The innovation and entrepreneurship program consists of 33 credit hours in esball国际平台客户端共同经历, 商业基础42学时, 27学时的专业课程, 还有9个学分的专业选修课.




The following courses are required for all students, irrespective of their program of study. 这些课程在秋季学期开设, FY100第一年研讨会只要求一年级学生参加. Both FY100 and UNIV190 are typically taken during the fall semester of the first year at Clarkson.




  • EC370创新经济学
  • SB322设计和领导创新企业
  • SB437商业化创新
  • SB440创新创业战略
  • MK321消费者和购买者行为
  • MK332市场研究
  • 创意、创新和新产品开发


All students participate in a project-based professional experience such as a co-op, 实习, directed research or a community project clearly related to the student's professional goals.



  • 成本会计
  • AC407商业实体的税收
  • FN455风险投资和私募股权
  • IS301应用数据分析
  • LW466工作场所法
  • LW471法律与社会II
  • MK306专业销售
  • OM380项目管理
  • OM476技术管理
  • 高级人力资源管理 


Students must complete the following courses, usually in their first and second year:


  • AC202财务会计 
  • AC203管理会计
  • EC150微观经济学原理 
  • EC151宏观经济学原理 
  • 计量经济学概论 
  • IS211企业信息系统导论 
  • LW270法律 & 社会我 
  • MA180大学数学入门(4学分)
  • MA181基础微积分 
  • 市场营销原理 
  • OM331操作 & 供应链管理 
  • OS286组织行为学 
  • SB113创业 & 商业创新I 
  • STAT282统计 
  • 两个 理科课程(一门带实验)(7学分)
  • 三个 选修课程(9学分)



A global experience is required for graduation for all Clarkson Business students. 雇主 want our graduates to understand different cultures and diversity and to have had first-hand exposure. 学生将有各种各样的机会, 例如学期交换和/或教师领导的全球商务旅行, 为了满足这个要求.


Students will have approximately 15 credit hours available to use toward Knowledge Area and/or University Course electives.


Students will have approximately 3 credit hours available to use toward courses of their choice.

在毕业前获得有价值的经验. 应用 the skills you've learned in the classroom with 实习 or co-op assignment. 该项目的学生在以下地方完成了实习:

  • 安盛公平
  • IBM
  • 新罕布什尔小帝王蝶
  • 美国西北相互
  • 乐观的工作室


Join a faculty-led research project and form part of the next generation of innovators. Opportunities are open to undergraduates during the school year and summer sessions. 探索研究在大卫D. Reh商学院.

从一开始就运用你的技能. As a first-year business student, you will take Small Business 113: 企业家ship and 创新. 在本课程中, student teams form real companies and later pitch their business plans to investors for funding. This opportunity gives you a chance to gain important hands-on experience that will help you throughout the rest of your studies. 你也可以用Reh杯和其他的东西来点燃你的野心 创业机会.

Find a community of creators and innovators through Clarkson’s 200-plus student groups. esball国际平台客户端可持续发展俱乐部的志愿者, explore the great outdoors with the Mountain Bike Club or find long-lasting friendships in one of our fraternities or sororities. 现在探索所有的俱乐部和组织.

Use your electives to round out your studies with a minor in a related field:


Explore the concepts and tools that go into designing and marketing new products. 提高你的创造力,并开发一个展示你工作的作品集. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端产品开发和营销的辅修课程.


Discover what makes humans tick and the thought processes that guide our behavior. Develop critical problem-solving skills, and learn how to effectively present your ideas. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端心理学辅修课程的信息.


无论你使用什么平台或媒介,都要制作有影响力的信息. Take courses that develop your writing, speaking and graphic design skills. 学习更多esball国际平台客户端通讯辅修的知识.

International experience is a requirement for all Reh商学院 undergraduate students. 它不仅能让你大开眼界,体验全新的体验, 但它会让你在就业市场上具有竞争优势. Students can choose to study abroad for a semester at one of Clarkson's international partner institutions, participate in one of our 全球 Business Program trip courses (students participate in a semester-long course, which culminates in a three-week international trip) or travel to nearby Canada for a series of four long-weekend trips. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端我们所有出国留学的机会.

"I chose Clarkson because of their prestigious academic programs coupled with their top-tier hockey program. 这是一个完美的匹配. 我选择主修I&E因为, 当我第一次参观校园时, 这是我最感兴趣的专业, 从那时起, 它只是看起来更合适而已."



创新和创业学位的用途非常广泛, 你可以用它来实现你的任何职业目标. It opens the doors to almost any industry and can be applied in a wide variety of roles. The skills you gain are also geared toward launching your own business venture, 如果你选择这样做的话.

Some of our students choose to continue their studies by pursuing MBAs or other graduate degrees at esball国际平台客户端 or at other institutions.


  • 广告销售
  • 品牌经理
  • 顾问
  • 网络营销总监
  • 企业家
  • GBS顾问
  • 创新战略
  • 内部销售主管
  • 法律和合规助理
  • 市场分析员
  • 营销总监
  • 新的业务处理程序
  • 产品设计专员
  • 项目总监
  • 招聘协调员


我们的毕业生发现他们的技能需求量很大. esball国际平台客户端2023届本科生的就业率为99%, 平均起薪高达7.5万美元 & 创业专业. Clarkson innovation and entrepreneurship majors can be found in companies like:

  • 亚马逊
  • 掌声应用质量公司.
  • 布里奇波特加勒比青年领袖
  • 德勤
  • 高盛(Goldman Sachs)
  • Grintafy技术
  • 手拉手香皂
  • IBM
  • 光明会的化妆品
  • 爱荷华州Hartlanders
  • Medallia
  • 甲骨文
  • Stagelink媒体
  • 目标
  • 曾经的公司
  • Veritas '


我们的许多毕业生选择攻读高级学位课程. 许多人都在攻读esball国际app学位 库尔特工程学院 or Reh商学院的课程, or esball国际平台客户端的其他esball国际app项目. 我们的学生最近注册的其他esball国际app院包括:

  • 波士顿学院
  • 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • 杜克大学
  • IESEG管理学院
  • 纽约大学
  • 密歇根大学


电子邮件: rehbusiness@acpsecurity.net
电话: 315-268-6613

Interested in learning more about the 创新与创业理学学士学位? 联系Reh商学院今天有您的问题.



找到你需要的资源来实现你的愿景. 创新中心是希普利创新中心的所在地, the Digital Making Suite and other spaces that help you develop your own business. 参加一个研讨会,与他人合作,并参加一个推介活动.



挖掘你的企业家思维. 如果你把自己看作创始人, take the next step to earning a degree in innovation and entrepreneurship at esball国际平台客户端.